How to shift vscode to xcode

Step1:- Write the cd ios

Step2:- Open projectname .xcode

Step3:-Open the screen xcode

Step4:- Go to the menu bar then click the product option and clean build folder

Step5:- Go to the menubar then click product option and click build option

Step6:- Go to the menubar then click product option and click Archive option

Step7:- Generate APK File and the click the Distribute App

Step8:- Open select a method of distribute:-

and then click the radio button in the App Store Connect

and click the next button

Step9:- open select Distribution :-

then click the radio button upload and then click the next button.

Step 10:-open App Store connect distribution option:-

then click the both radio button and then click the next button.

Step11:-open Re-Sign “projectname”:-

then click the radio button Automatically manage signing and then click the next button.

Step12:- Open keychain password:-

You can enter the password 3 times same password fill then automatically allow



Step13:-Open Review projectname.ipa content:-

then click upload button

Step14:- Open Archive upload complete :-

then click Done button

Step15:-Go to the safari and then write the

Then enter the Apple Id and password and then click login button

Step16:-Open App store connect:-

Then click My Apps

Step17:- Open My apps and then click the project

For example:-TH Coin

Step18:- Go to the testflight check .ipa file visible(processing)

Wait 5 minutes then reload the page.

Step19:- Click the manage link

Step20:- Open the Export Compliance information then select the last radio button (None of the algorithm mentioned above) the click save button

Step21:- Click the menu bar the App store then scroll to the and click Add build

Step22:- Open Add Build then open the popup and select build first come then click done build

Step23:- you can see the build and click save button

How to upload Bundle ID

Step1:-Go to the safari and then write and then click Account

Step2:- Open the Account detail and then click certificate,IDs and Profile

Step3:-Click submenu Certificate

Step4:-Open the page developer certificate,Identifiers and profiles :-

and then click Submenu Identifiers.

Step5:- Click Identifiers(Plus) icon

Step6:- Select radio button App IDs then click continue button

Step7:- Open the register a new Identifiers:-

and Select a App then click continue

Step8:- Open the Register an Apple ID

write the description and then write the bundle id and then click Continue button.

Step9:- Open the page confirm your Apple Id:-

Click the register button

Step10:- Open the page identifiers:-

You can see the identifiers and show your project name and bundle id.

Step11:-Go to the google and search then you can enter Apple Id and password and click submit button and then click my Apps

Step12:-Open the Apps ;-

And then click the (Plus)Icon and click the new App Bundle

Step13:-Fill The form

Step14:- Show the project

Last updated